by Robert ROTH and Marc HENZELIN in Antonio CASSESE, Paola GAETA and John R.W.D. JONES (Eds.), "The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : A commentary" - book_chapter
The appeal procedure of the ICC
The International Criminal Court (ICC) officially came into existence in July 2002 following the 60th ratification of the Rome Statute, heralding a new era for the effective prosecution and punishment of serious violations of international humanitarian law - genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This Commentary takes a thematic look at the whole of international criminal law,...
by Sabine GLESS in Hans-Jorg ALBRECHT and Cyrille FIJNAUT, "The containment of transnational organized crime: comments on the UN convention of December 2000" - book_chapter
The prominent procedural issues: obtaining evidence abroad - A European approach
This book presents the proceedings of an international conference (December 13-15, 2001) on the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, which was signed in December 2000...
by Otto LAGODNY, Christopher L. BLAKESLEY and Eser ALBIN (Eds.) - book
The individual as subject of International cooperation in criminal matters
The individual's position as a "subject," commonplace in national proceedings, is not at all clear when the need for extradition, mutual assistance or some other form of international cooperation...
by Andre KLIP and Härmen VAN DER WILT (Eds.) - book
Harmonisation and harmonising measures in criminal law
The aim of this research is to determine whether existing binding common legal instruments as well as non binding instruments result in an harmonising effect, in order to deduct conditions for...
by Peter CULLEN and Sarah JUND - book
Criminal Justice Co-Operation in the European Union after Tampere
Area of Law: Police Cooperation
by Giovanni GRASSO in Francesca LONGO (Ed.), "The European Union and the challenge of transnational organised crime, towards a common police and judicial approach" - article
Harmonisation of the national penal systems: a possible objective for the European Union?
MALCOM ANDERSON, European Police Co-operation - History and Theory
MONICA DEN BOER, Institutional Shaping and Networking: Chances and Opportunities for...
by Sabine GLESS in Gilles DE KERCHOVE and Anne WEYEMBERGH (Eds.), "L'espace pénal européen: enjeux et perspectives" - book_chapter
What kind of Judicial Control do the New Protagonists Need? The Accountability of the European Police Office (Europol)
A la suite des événements dramatiques du 11 septembre 2001, la mise en place de l’espace pénal européen a connu une accélération sans précédent. Dans ce contexte, la Présidence belge de l’Union...