Summer School “The EU Area of Criminal Justice”

The ECLAN Summer School on “The EU Area of Criminal Justice” takes place every year in Brussels (Institute for European Studies - ULB).

SAVE THE DATE! The next edition will take place from 1 July to 5 July 2024.

The Summer School Program for 2024 is now AVAILABLE ONLINE!

Audience and Objectives

The Summer School is specifically designed for practitioners, being lawyers, EU or national civil servants working in criminal matters, as well as researchers and students interested in the EU area of criminal justice.

The objective of the Summer School is to provide participants with an extensive knowledge of EU criminal law. The classes are both theoretical and practical. They are taught by academics, national experts or European officials who deal with these issues on a daily basis.

When and Where

This year, marking the 20th edition of the ECLAN Summer School, will take place between 1 July and 5 July 2024.

Attendance will be possible in person in Brussels, or online.

Course Description

After 19 editions and a few years of Covid-related disruptions, the ECLAN Summer School is back with its in-person classes and a renewed programme.

This year's Summer School will be centered on the "Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters", exploring key instruments crucial at various stages of the criminal procedure, all examined in the context of recent developments in the field.

Get ready for an engaging evening conference exploring a major theme in EU criminal law. This year, our attention turns to the "Digitalisation of Judicial Cooperation", promising to be the captivating focus for our upcoming evening conference which will take place on July 4th! The Evening Conference will feature the contributions of Alexander Ivantchev, Policy Officer at the European Commission (DG HOME, Unit Security in a Digital Age), Vincent Jamin, Administrative Director at Eurojust, and Prof. Vanessa Franssen from the University of Liège.


To apply, please send your Motivation Letter and CV to !


Students and PhD candidates: 400 €

Other participants: 650 €

(the fee does not cover travel and accommodation costs)


Upon request, and subject to evaluation of the Organising Committee, the fees of students and PhD candidates may be reduced by 50%.

The request for grant shall be made explicitly in the application email, and shall be accompanied by a motivation letter demonstrating strong interest in the Summer School programme.


The lectures are held in English, and all participants receive a certificate of attendance.

For those interested in acquiring 3 ECTS, a final examination is necessary (and it is usually organised at the end of the week). Lawyers may obtain 32 points from the OBFG (Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et Germanophone de Belgique).

While we are finalizing the details, rest assured that with top experts in the field, you will engage in high-level training and lively debates on key issues.

So keep an eye on the ECLAN website for more updates!

Interested in hearing more, we invite you to watch this short video with testimonies from former participants !

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