by Andre KLIP (English)
Harmonisation and harmonising measures in criminal law
The aim of this research is to determine whether existing binding common legal instruments as well as non binding instruments result in an harmonising effect, in order to deduct conditions for harmonisation. Harmonisation seems to possess a self-evident attractiveness. It makes complicated legal relationships easy to understand. The central question therefore may be divided into various subquestions. What is harmonisation? What may be harmonised and why is this necessary, desirable or effective? What conditions must be fulfilled before harmonising? Which methods exist to achieve harmonising effects? What consequences does harmonisation have?
Journal/Publisher: Koninklijke Nederlandse
Co-author/s: Härmen VAN DER WILT (Eds.)
Publication type: Book
Number of pages/Page range: 119
Language/s (content): English
Date of publication: 02-01-02
Personal data
Full name Andre KLIP
Current occupation Member
University/Institution Maastricht University
Address P.O. Box 616
Postal code 6200 MD Maastric
Telephone 0031 43 3883139