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by Rosaria SICURELLA in Mireille DELMAS-MARTY and John VERVAELE (Eds.), "The implementation of the Corpus Juris in the Member States: Volume I" - book_chapter

Criminal law Special part - Articles 1-8

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by Kai AMBOS - article

The International Criminal Court and the traditional principles of International cooperation in criminal matters

Speaking about the ICC and traditional principles of international criminal law appears somewhat Contradictory since, at first sight, the newly-founded ICC has nothing to do With these traditional...
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by Jaan GINTER - article

Corpus Juris and Estonian Criminal Procedure

This paper is an effort to analyse the issues that will arise if Estonia becomes a Member State of the EU and the EU gives effect, in some way, to the proposed version of CJ. The paper focuses...
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by Steve PEERS - article

Who's judging the watchmen? : The judicial system of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

The function of the ECJ in the EC Treaty, according to Article 220 (former 164) EC, is to 'ensure that in the interpretation and application of this Treaty the law is observed'. More precisely,...
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by Silvina BACIGALUPO in Albin ESER, Gunther HEINE and Barbara HUBER (Eds.), "Criminal responsibility of legal and collective entities : International Colloquium : Berlin May 4-6, 1998" - book_chapter

Accessory consequences applicable to legal entities under the Spanish Criminal Code of 1995

If in the coming century the question should be posed as to which were the mainissues dominating the development of criminal law in the last decade of this mil-lennium,  the ...
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by Charles ELSEN in Georges ESTIEVENART (Ed.), "Policies and strategies to combat drugs in Europe: The Treaty on European Union, framework for a new European strategy to combact Drugs?" - book_chapter

Drugs as a priority in cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs

This volume arose from a European Scientific Seminar on 'Strategies and Policies to Combat Drugs', which was organized by the Commission of the European Communities at the European University...
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