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by Silvina BACIGALUPO in Albin ESER, Gunther HEINE and Barbara HUBER (Eds.), "Criminal responsibility of legal and collective entities : International Colloquium : Berlin May 4-6, 1998" (English)

Accessory consequences applicable to legal entities under the Spanish Criminal Code of 1995

If in the coming century the question should be posed as to which were the mainissues dominating the development of criminal law in the last decade of this mil-lennium,  the  question  of  whether  and  to  what  extent  corporations  or  equivalentcollective  entities  hold  penal  responsibilitywould  certainly  be  mentioned  at  aprominent  place.  As  this  discussion  is  notlimited  to  nationalborders  but  led  al-most  world-wide,  there  were  solid  reasonsfor  carrying  out  an  international  con-ference  facilitating  an  overview  of  modelsalready  existing  in  various  countries,experience they met as well as further developments in this area.

Journal/Publisher: Luscrim

Publication type: Book chapter

Number of pages/Page range: 255-266

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 02-01-96

Personal data

Full name Silvina BACIGALUPO

Current occupation Member

University/Institution Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Address Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco

Postal code 28049

Telephone 00 34 914978116

Fax 00 34 914972527
