HTRN Online Seminar Series: "Addressing Human Trafficking during Armed Conflict: Perspectives from Ukraine and its Borders"
Human Trafficking Research Network (HTRN) is organizing its second seminar in the 2023-2024 online seminar series where the challenges of addressin...
EIPA – European Institute of Public Administration
Seminar "EU Procedural guarantees instruments"
Objectives The EIPA, European Institute of Public Administration, organises a Seminar on EU procedural guarantees. The meaning and scope of p...
Eclan and Liverpool Law School
ECLAN PhD Conference 2023 - "The Future of European Criminal Law"
See the Final Program in attachment!
Launch of the Special Issue "The Normative Foundations of European Criminal Law"
In the framework of the Eclan PhD Conference 2023, the Special Issue on The Normative Foundations of European Criminal Law will be presented. Sp...
Jean Monnet Network on enforcement of EU law
The Utrecht University is pleased to announce the ‘Roundtable: EU Law Enforcement – Effective and under control’ supporting by the Jean Monnet Netw...
Evening conference "What role for EU actors in the fight against core international crime?"
The evening conference is organised in the framework of the IEE – ECLAN Summer School on the EU Area of Criminal Justice. International core cri...
University of Luxembourg
Conference "Private Actors As Judges and Enforcers in the Technology-driven World"
This conference will address the problem of the public role of private actors (in particular digital companies) in enforcement from different persp...
Faculté internationale de droit comparé
International colloquium - The privatization of law from a comparative law perspective
The International facult of comparative law of Strasbourg (FIDC) presents its call of papers related to an international colloquium entitled "The p...
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk (Leiden University), Jeroen ten Voorde (Leiden University), Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis (Leiden University), Jacob Öberg (University of Southern Denmark)
Criminalisation and its Limits: Revisiting Public Goods and Legal Interests in Domestic and Transnational Criminal Law
The aim of the conference is to clarify the meaning and definition of public goods and legal interests (Rechtsgüter) in criminal law, and explore t...
Conference - Globalized crime and criminal justice: European and international criminal law perspectives
This conference aims to compare and evaluate the developments in European Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. It seeks to analyse and crit...