The new challenges of judicial and police cooperation in the European Union and the establishment of the EPPO

Date: 18-05-2017

Location: Escola de Direito, Universidade do Minho

Languages: ENG e PT

Fees: € 0

Organiser: Interdisciplinary Research Center for Human Rights

Partnership: Center for Studies in European Union Law and the Union of Magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office


The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Human Rights, in collaboration with the Center for Studies in European Union Law and the Union of Magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office, organizes an International Criminal Law Congress of the European Union & Human Rights entitled "The new challenges of judicial and police cooperation in the European Union and the implementation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office ", on 18 May at the Law School of the University of Minho. The aim of this initiative is to bring to the discussion the main issues that lie today in judicial and police cooperation, mutual recognition, harmonization and the protection of human rights in the European Union. It also intends to analyze the challenges surrounding the implementation of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. In a special way, a critical and prospective look will be taken on the Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing the European Public Prosecutor's Office under discussion, taking into account the current state of negotiations, the main aspects of substantive and procedural criminal law; the Statutes and the institutional design of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (matters of institutional law) and the relations between the European Public Prosecutor's Office, Eurojust and OLAF. Scientific coordination is the responsibility of Margarida Santos, Mário Ferreira Monte and Fernando Conde Monteiro.