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by Sabine GLESS (English)

Water always finds its way - discretion and the concept of exclusionary rules in the Swiss Criminal Procedure Code

When the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure entered into force in January 2011, criminal proceedings -including the gathering and use of evidence and related exclusionary rules- became heavily regulated. This paper will analyse these exclusionary rules, both in theory and in practice.

Journal/Publisher: Durham

Co-author/s: Jeannine MARTIN in Michele CAIANIELLO and Jacqueline S. HODGSON (Eds.), Discretionary criminal justice in a comparative context"

Publication type: Collective book

Number of pages/Page range: 159-184

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 16-06-15

Personal data

Full name Sabine GLESS

Current occupation Management Committee and Contact Point

University/Institution University of Basel

Address Peter Merian-Weg 8 Postfach

Postal code 4002

Telephone +41 (0)61 267 28 73

Fax +41 (0)61 267 25 48
