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by Vanessa FRANSSEN (English)

The Principles of Corporate Sentencing in EU Law

The EU is strengthening its grip on national criminal law in its fight against corporate crime, and the punishment of corporations features prominently among its concerns. However its current efforts to approximate Member States' criminal laws are weakened by the diversity of national sentencing rules and a thorough analysis of corporate sentencing is lacking both at the level of the EU and in most national systems.

In this important book Vanessa Franssen provides, for the first time, a comprehensive account of the principles governing corporate sentencing in EU law, drawing on comparative scholarship of Member State legal systems as well as EU law, and makes practical suggestions for corporate sentencing goals that should be pursued by the EU. Thebook addresses academics, judges, practising lawyers, civil servants and anyone who wants to learn more about this fascinating topic of EU law.

Journal/Publisher: Hart Publishing

Publication type: Book

Number of pages/Page range: 476

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 01-04-16

Personal data

Full name Vanessa FRANSSEN

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Liège

Address place des Orateurs 1

Postal code 4000 Liège 1

Telephone 0032 4 3663182

Fax 0032 4 3664537
