The implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in the Republic of Slovenia
The following article will first give an overview of the legislative implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in Slovenia (II.). Despite the fact that the first Slovenian law implementing the EU Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant had been adopted in April 2004, a new Act was recently adopted in October 2007. It introduced only slight changes but regrettably did not use the opportunity to fully align with the Framework Decision (in particular as regards the institution of a central authority that would most likely improve the effectiveness of the EAW procedure). Furthermore, this article will go into the proceedings before the Constitutional Court which raised the question of the constitutionality of the Slovenian law on the European Arrest Warrant; however, the Constitutional Court unfortunately did not decide on the merits of this legal instrument (III.). Ultimately, the author will also relate some of the experiences of Slovenian judges collected through interviews conducted with them (IV.).
Journal/Publisher: Eucrim, 2007, issue 3/4
Publication type: Article
Number of pages/Page range: 133-137
Language/s (content): English
Date of publication: 01-10-07
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Full name Katja SUGMAN
Current occupation Member
Address Poljanski Nasip 2
Postal code 1000
Country Slovenia
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