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by Steve PEERS (English)

The European Union and substantive criminal law: Reinventing the wheel?

In recent years the European Union (EU) has played an increasing role in criminal law. A number of obligations for EU Member States have been agreed in various forms, ranging from substantive law obligations to procedural obligations and new mechanisms for enforcement, particularly the Europol and Eurojust agencies. These agencies and the novel procedural obligations, particularly in the form of the European arrest warrant, are well known. But is anything new in the EU's approach to substantive criminal law?

Journal/Publisher: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Volume 33

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 47-73

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 02-12-02

Personal data

Full name Steve PEERS

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Essex

Address Wivenhoe Park

Postal code CO4 3SQ

Telephone 0044 1206 873333
