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by Jaan GINTER (English)

Monitoring the EU Accession Process : Judicial Independence in Estonia

The EU Accession Monitoring Program of the Open Society Institute was initiated in 2000 to encourage independent monitoring of the process by which the European Union is considering applications for membership from the ten candidate States of Central and Eastern Europe. The Program aims to contribute to this historic process by producing monitoring reports to complement the evaluations already being conducted by the European Commission, as reflected in its annual “Regular Reports” on candidate States’ progress towards meeting accession criteria. The enlargement of the European Union is a positive development, and independent monitoring is one means of magnifying its beneficial effects, both within the candidate States and in the EU itself.

Journal/Publisher: Central European University Press

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 147-184

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 01-06-01

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Personal data

Full name Jaan GINTER

Current occupation Contact Point

University/Institution University of Tartu

Address Näituse 20, Tartu

Postal code 50409

Country Estonia

Telephone +372 7375391
