Le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle des décisions judiciaires dans l’Union Européenne devant les juridicti ons roumaines
Through its country by country approach covering the vast majority of the Member States, it intends to provide policymakers, practitioners, academics and researchers with a comprehensive analysis of the problems that have emerged and the solutions envisaged by each State in their implementation of mutual recognition instruments. The country chapters are followed by a final EU-wide analysis that seeks to identify common themes and obstacles and to consider future options and possible scenarios.
Journal/Publisher: Éditions de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles
Co-author/s: Diana IONESCU in Anne WEYEMBERGH, Gisèle VERNIMMEN-VAN TIGGELEN (Eds.), "The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union"
Publication type: Article
Number of pages/Page range: 465-486
Language/s (content): French
Date of publication: 01-01-09
Personal data
Full name Florin STRETEANU
Current occupation Contact Point
University/Institution University of Cluj-Napoca
Address Avram Iancu Street 11
Postal code 400089, Cluj-Nap
Country Romania
Email sflorin@law.ubbcluj.ro