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by Jørn VESTERGAARD in Susie ALEGRE & Marisa LEAF (Eds.), "European Arrest Warrant. A solution ahead of it time?" (English)

Implementation of the Framework Decision regarding the European Arrest Order - the Danish extradition legislation

Denmark was the second Member State to implement the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), completing the process by the end of May 2003.
This necessitated the amendment of two chapters of the general Extradition Act. The ammended chapters specifically concerned Danish relations with other EU Member States.

Journal/Publisher: Justice

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 91-96

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 25-11-03

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Personal data

Full name Jørn VESTERGAARD

Current occupation Management Committee

University/Institution University of Copenhagen

Address Studiestr. 6

Postal code DK-1455 Copanhag

Country Denmark

Telephone +45 21 60 26 80
