Human rights manual and sourcebook for Africa
This critical manual is the first of its kind for the African region and an invaluable resource to human rights practitioners, academics and interested parties worldwide. At a time when human rights in Africa have made many advances, this publication introduces easy-to-use jurisprudence that turns a previously difficult research task into a simple procedure. Much of the work emanates from primary research and investigation conducted by local research teams in the individual countries and has not been compiled into a single collection before. It is hoped that this CD-ROM will provide African human rights lawyers with the necessary means to bring cases successfully and help improve the system from within, relying on the rights guaranteed by the individual Constitutions and using regional and international jurisprudence as a tool of interpretation.
Journal/Publisher: British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Co-author/s: Kate BEATTIE (Eds.)
Publication type: Book
Number of pages/Page range: 1391
Language/s (content): English
Date of publication: 01-06-05
Personal data
Full name Theodora CHRISTOU
Current occupation Member
University/Institution Queen Mary University of London
Address Mille End Road
Postal code London E1 4NS