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by Katja SUGMAN (English)

European Public Prosecutor in the Context of Slovenian Criminal Law

The author analyzes the Green paper, issued by the Commission of the European Communities, and assesses the possible consequences of harmonization for Slovenian criminal law. Harmonization with the central idea of the discussed document, the establishment of the common authority, responsible for detecting and prosecuting the offences prejudicial to the Community’s financial interests (the European Public Prosecutor), would demand extensive structural modifications of Slovenian criminal procedure, including vast changes concerning the authorizations of all the parties involved. Some of those novelties would be welcome (e. g. establishment of the judge of freedoms), but since Green paper proposes prosecution and efficiency-oriented procedural model, the acceptation of certain solutions would certainly lower national procedural standards.

Journal/Publisher: Slovenian Law Review 123 (2004)

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 123 f

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 01-03-04

Personal data

Full name Katja SUGMAN

Current occupation Contact Point

University/Institution University of Ljubljana

Address Poljanski Nasip 2

Postal code 1000

Country Slovenia

Telephone +386 1 4203 187

Fax +386 1 4203 115
