European Court of Human Rights: remedies and execution of judgments
This publication combines several papers resulting from a conference held at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in 2003. Topics include: a comparative view on the implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) within the national legal orders of various member states and assessing what improvements are required; outlining the state's obligations flowing from a judgment of the ECtHR within the context of the wider international law framework governing the legal consequences of internationally wrongful acts; charting the supervision of the execution of judgments delivered by the ECtHR and the challenges facing the Committee of Ministers; discussing a framework for a national post-trial procedure for redressing violations of the ECtHR in criminal cases; and considering the consequences of a finding by the European Court of Human Rights of an unfair trial in civil proceedings upon the re-opening of those proceedings by the English courts.
Journal/Publisher: British Institute for International and Comparative Law
Co-author/s: Juan Pablo RAYMOND (Eds.)
Publication type: Book
Number of pages/Page range: 115
Language/s (content): English
Date of publication: 03-01-05
Personal data
Full name Theodora CHRISTOU
Current occupation Member
University/Institution Queen Mary University of London
Address Mille End Road
Postal code London E1 4NS