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by Giovanni GRASSO in Peter CULLEN (Ed.), "Enlarging the Fight against Fraud in the European Union: Penal and Administrative Sanctions, Settlement, Whistleblowing and Corpus Juris in the Candidate Countries" (English)

Droit pénal spécial: infractions de fraude, blanchiment et association de malfaiteurs

The ERA-coordinated study on "Penal and Administrative Sanctions, Settlement, Whistleblowing and Corpus Juris in the Candidate Countries" results were presented at the conference "The European legal area and the candidate countries: presentation of the results of the Corpus Iuris study" which was held from 13-15 September 2001 in the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier, with the support of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). The conference concluded with the adoption of a "Declaration of Trier" which - looking to the enlargement of the European Union - calls upon the European institutions, the Member States and the candidate countries to put in place improved structures and legal mechanisms to combat fraud on the EU budget. The declaration proceeds from t

The final report of the study, written by Professor Christine Van den Wyngaert of the University of Antwerp, is a synthesis of nine detailed individual reports prepared by experts from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. These reports were in turn scrutinised by a team of twelve EU Experts who reported to Professor van den Wyngaert. Her final report concludes that existing legal tools to combat fraud on the EU budget are insufficient. A common legal area for fighting EU fraud, including a European Public Prosecutor, is what is required. Other more specific recommendations relating to legal reform in the candidate countries are included in the final report which will be published later in 2001 by ERA.

Journal/Publisher: Academy of European Law

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 11-24

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 20-08-04

Personal data

Full name Giovanni GRASSO

Current occupation Contact Point

University/Institution University of Catania

Address via V.E. Orlando 42

Postal code 95128

Country Italy

Telephone +39 095 230369
