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by Anne Weyembergh, Elodie Sellier (eds.) (English)

Criminal procedures and cross-border cooperation in the EU area of criminal justice

This edited volume draws on the findings of a study entitled 'Criminal procedural laws across the European Union - A comparative analysis of selected main differences and the impact they have over the development of EU legislation' . It examines to what extent differences between national procedural criminal laws hinder the negociations and the operation of cross-border cooperation instruments . It is based on a comparative analysis of a representative sample of Member States.

Journal/Publisher: Editions de l'Université libre de Bruxelles

Publication type: Book

Number of pages/Page range: 443

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 15-09-20

Personal data

Full name Anne Weyembergh

Current occupation Professor

University/Institution Université libre de Bruxelles

Address Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 39

Postal code 1050

Telephone +3226503072
