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by Paul DE HERT (English)

Cooperation between the private sector and law enforcement agencies: an area in between legal regulations. In: Police Cooperation in the European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon. Opportunities and limitations

This paper builds upon earlier work in which we identified, both at the EU and the international level, proposals for more cooperation between the private sector and law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The paper searches for legal provisions safeguarding citizen’s rights when confronted with these public-private collaborations. The contribution mainly focuses on data protection provisions. The main finding is that the area of cooperation between the private sector and LEAs strongly resembles an “area in between” regulations. 

Journal/Publisher: Nomos

Co-author/s: Gertjan BOULET in Hartmut ADEN (Ed.), "Police Cooperation in the European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon"

Publication type: Book chapter

Number of pages/Page range: 245-258

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 01-06-15

Personal data

Full name Paul DE HERT

Current occupation Contact Point

University/Institution Vrije Univesiteit Brussel

Address Pleinelaan 2

Postal code 1050

Country Belgium

Telephone +32(0)2 629 24 60

Fax +32(0)2 629 36 33
