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by Jaan GINTER (English)

Compatibility of the Estonian Rules of Evidence in Criminal Procedure to the Needs for Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Community

The question to be examined here may be looked at from two completely different angles:

1) are the Estonian rules tough enough on fraudsters to enable effective protection of the financial interests of the European Communities by the means of criminal procedure? or

2) do they provide sufficient guarantees for suspects and defendants?

If both angles should be considered simultaneously the standard would be the following: do the rules provide a sensible balance between the need to catch financial criminals and the need to protect civil liberties?

Journal/Publisher: Juridica International, 2002 VII

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 138-141

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 01-10-02

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Personal data

Full name Jaan GINTER

Current occupation Contact Point

University/Institution University of Tartu

Address Näituse 20, Tartu

Postal code 50409

Country Estonia

Telephone +372 7375391
