Combatting Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. In Search of Optimal Enforcement
The book “Combatting Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. In Search of Optimal Enforcement” was edited by Stanisław Tosza and John Vervaele and has been recently published by Springer. It results from the UU Illicit Tobacco Trade Project, which was financed entirely by Utrecht University.
This book focuses on the enforcement aspect of tobacco control policy, and argues that the intense regulation of the tobacco market will never be successful as long as it can be circumvented by the availability of illicit tobacco products. Combining criminological and legal perspectives, it presents and critically analyses the phenomenon of illicit tobacco trade, as well as the policies, legal frameworks and practices in six EU countries with regard to combatting this phenomenon, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their approaches. Furthermore, it studies the relationship between the EU and third countries (e.g. Ukraine) in terms of how the EU can influence policy and enforcement in these countries in order to counter illicit tobacco trafficking. Not exclusively focusing on the EU, the book also includes an analysis of enforcement against illicit tobacco products in the US.
Journal/Publisher: Springer Cham
Publication type: Collective book
Number of pages/Page range: 593
Language/s (content): English
Date of publication: 20-05-22
Personal data
Full name Stanisław Tosza
Current occupation Professor
University/Institution University of Luxembourg