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by Asbjorn STRANDBAKKEN in Torbjorn ANDERSSON (Ed.), "Parallel and conflicting enforcement of law" (English)

Applying different evidentiary standards to criminal conviction and conpensation: A parallel and conflict enforcement of law?

This anthology contains essays on the subject of parallel proceedings, based on interventions by a multinational assembly of scholars, judges and lawyers at a symposium held in Thoresta, Sweden. Seven of the essays deal with the subject at a general level, addressing questions like uniform application of law, polycentricity and European harmonisation of procedural law. Eight of the essays are concerned with specific parallel situations: administrative law before ordinary courts, criminal law in civil proceedings and concurrent application of competition law. Although emphasis is put on procedural law, the authors may be characterised as qualified specialists with expertise from different fields, like contract law, legal philosophy, administrative law, competition law, criminal law. The anthology may be used as a basis for further research on parallel proceedings in various fields. Furthermore, it is an important starting-point for progressive reflection on issues like transnational litigation, the concept of consistency, pluralism and comparative law, and their meaning in the future idea of law in Europe and the world.

Journal/Publisher: Brill/Nijhoff

Publication type: Book chapter

Number of pages/Page range: 110-128

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 03-01-05

Personal data

Full name Asbjorn STRANDBAKKEN

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Bergen

Address Postboks 7806

Postal code 5020 BERGEN

Telephone 0047 55 58 95 82
