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by Frank HOPFEL in Philip REICHEL and Jay ALBANESE (Eds.), "Handbook of transnational crime and justice" (English)

Adjudicating International crimes

Transnational crime and justice will characterize the 21st century in same way that traditional street crimes dominated the 20th century. In the Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice, Philip Reichel and Jay Albanese bring together top scholars from around the world to offer perspectives on the laws, crimes, and criminal justice responses to transnational crime. This concise, reader-friendly Handbook is organized logically around four major themes: the problem of transnational crime; analysis of specific transnational crimes; approaches to its control; and regional geographical analyses. Each comprehensive chapter is designed to be explored as a stand-alone topic, making this Handbook an important textbook and reference tool for readers and practitioners alike.

Journal/Publisher: Sage Publications

Publication type: Book chapter

Number of pages/Page range: 310-345

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 03-01-05

Personal data

Full name Frank HOPFEL

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Vienna

Telephone 0043 1427734651
