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by Roberto KOSTORIS (English)

A European Public Prosecutor Office against Eurofinancial Crimes: Which Future?

The establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office for the fight against the crimes affecting the financial interests of the Union constitutes a complex and rough path. The article focuses on the fundamental steps of this route until now, from the provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon, to the Commission's proposal, to its redrafts, above all that one of April 2014 under the Greek Presidency. What emerges is a too complex and elephantine body, illsuited to an efficient fight against eurofinancial crimes. However, some slender lights seem to appear in the more recent developments of this path.

Journal/Publisher: Journal of Eastern European Criminal Law 2015 Issue 2

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 27

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 01-06-15

Personal data

Full name Roberto KOSTORIS

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Padova

Telephone 0039 0498273376
