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by Andrea RYAN (English)

A cork study on 'domestic' violence: Tentative conclusions from the policing perspective

The Supreme Court has recently ruled that the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, 1996, which provide for the granting of interim barring orders, are unconstitutional. Given the recent difficulties caused by the Supreme Court decision regarding aspects of the civil remedy, the time may be apposite to focus on what does happen when the criminal law route - as opposed to the civil law route - is followed.

Journal/Publisher: Judicial Studies Institute Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1

Publication type: Article

Number of pages/Page range: 79-107

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 02-01-04

Personal data

Full name Andrea RYAN

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Limerick

Address Limerick

Postal code V94 T9PX
