The Role of Criminal Law in the Enforcement of the EU’s External Border Policy
Border and migration laws generally spell out the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals in the jurisdiction of the State, set out rules on border crossing and orchestrate the departure from the State of irregular migrants . They are therefore essentially governed by administrative law. However, both at national and EU level, borders, migration and asylum policies witness significant intersections between criminal and administrative law, in particular when countering irregular migration. With this in mind, the purpose of this research is to examine whether the growing EU integration of the border, migration and asylum policies led to a change in the respective share of administrative and criminal law in the regulation of conducts related to the irregular crossing of EU external borders. More precisely, this research will explore interactions at the EU and national level with regard to the irregular crossings of external borders, carrier sanctions and migrant smuggling.
Personal data
Author: Chiara Maria Ricci
University/Institution: Université of Luxembourg, ULB
Short bio: Chiara Maria Ricci is a PhD candidate and assistant at the University of Luxembourg, where she teaches criminal law. She is also coordination assistant to the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN). Chiara earned her Bachelor and Master of Laws from the Université catholique de Louvain. Thereafter, she completed a MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe. After which, she completed internships at several institutions and worked at the Court of Justice of the European Union as référendaire.
Phd Document
Provisional title: The Role of Criminal Law in the Enforcement of the EU’s External Border Policy
Name of supervisor/s: Katalin Ligeti and Anne Weyembergh
Language: English
Starting date: 2015-11-15
Excpected end date: 2019-11-15