EU Legislation
Regulation (EU) 2022/838 of 30 May 2022 amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1727 as regards the preservation, analysis and storage at Eurojust of evidence relating to genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and related criminal offences
Due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, on 25 April 2022, the Commission adopted an urgent proposal to amend the Eurojust Regulation to allow the Agency to collect, preserve, analyse and exchange evidence related to war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The main aim of this proposal was to enable Eurojust to establish a storage facility where evidence concerning core international...
Directive (EU) 2022/211 and Directive (EU) 2022/228
On 20 January 2021, the European Commission adopted two proposals for Directives amending two European Union (EU) instruments in the field of criminal law – Council Framework Decision...
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of the environment through criminal law and replacing Directive 2008/99/EC
On 15 December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Directive on the protection of the environment through criminal law replacing Directive 2008/99/EC.
In addition,...
Proposal for a Council Recommendation on operational police cooperation
On 8 December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Council Recommendation on operational police cooperation.
In general, the aim of the proposal is to:
clarify and...
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the information exchange between law enforcement authorities of Member States, repealing Council Framework Decision 2006/960/JHA
On 8 December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on information exchange between law enforcement authorities of Member...
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”), amending Council Decisions 2008/615/JHA and 2008/616/JHA and Regulations (EU) 2018/1726, 2019/817 and 2019/818
On 8 December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation on automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”), amending Council Decisions 2008/615/JHA and...
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a collaboration platform to support the functioning of Joint Investigation Teams and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1726
On 1st December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation establishing a collaboration platform to support the functioning of the Joint Investigation Teams and amending...