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Yassin Abdullah Kadi (Kadi I - CFI)

The Court of First Instance gives its first judgments concerning acts adopted in the fight against terrorism (Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 ordering the freezing of funds of persons included in a list annexed to the regulation). 

The European Community is competent to order the freezing of individuals’ funds in connection with the fight against international terrorism. In so far as they are required by the Security Council of the United Nations, these measures fall for the most part outside the scope of judicial review. They do not infringe the universally recognised fundamental human rights. 

Appeal Case before the Court of Justice C-402/05 P

Case Number T-315/01

Name of the parties Yassin Abdullah Kadi v Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities.

Date of the judgement 2005-09-21

Court Court of First Instance


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