Netherlands legislation may provide for different treatment of Netherlands nationals and nationals of other Member States with regard to execution of a European arrest warrant
Article 12 EC (the principle of non-discrimination) does not preclude the legislation of a Member State of execution under which the competent judicial authority of that State is to refuse to execute a European arrest warrant issued against one of its nationals with a view to the enforcement of a custodial sentence, whilst such a refusal is, in the case of a national of another Member State having a right of residence as a citizen of the Union, subject to the condition that the person has lawfully resided for a continuous period of five years in that Member State of execution.
Case Number C-123/08
Name of the parties Criminal proceedings against Dominic Wolzenburg
Date of the judgement 2009-10-06
Court Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECEJ)
Link http://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?language=en&num=C-123/08
Uploads Wolzenburg - Judgment and Wolzenburg - Opinion AG