The Court of First Instance annuls the Council Regulation freezing Omar Mohammed Othman’s funds, notably on the ground that the applicant's rights of defence, in particular the right to be heard, were not respected.
The annulment will not take effect until the date of expiry of the period allowed for bringing an appeal before the Court of Justice or, if an appeal has been brought, from the date of its dismissal. During this period the Council will be able to adopt, if it considers it necessary, a new restrictive measure affecting Mr Othman, observing his fundamental rights.
Case Number T-318/01
Name of the parties Omar Mohammed Othman v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities
Date of the judgement 2009-06-11
Court Court of First Instance
Link http://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?language=en&num=T-318/01
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