Case C-58/22, Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Craiova, Judgment of the Court of 25 January 2024 (First Chamber)
Interpretation of Article 50 Charter – principle of ne
bis in idem; Clarifications regarding the conditions
to be satisfied to hold that a person has been finally
acquitted or convicted, in case of an order that no
further action be taken adopted by a public
prosecutor’s office; First criminal proceedings
brought in rem and second in personam; The order
should have been taken after thorough
examination of the legal situation of that person as
criminally liable for the acts constituting the
offence being prosecuted – determination as to the
merits of his/her criminal liability, which requires
that a detailed investigation have been conducted;
Clarifications regarding the concept of “detailed
Case Number C-58/22
Name of the parties NR v. Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Craiova
Date of the judgement 2024-01-25
Court Court of Justice