Abdulbasit Abdulrahim
Despite the removal of his/her name from the list, a person who was the subject of a measure freezing funds retains an interest in it being annulled by the Courts of the EU.
Recognition of the illegality can constitute a form of reparation for the non-material harm suffered.
[An appeal was brought against the General Court’s judgment (Case T-127/09 of 28 February 2012). When the case was in the course of being examined, Mr Abdulrahim’s name was first removed from the Sanctions Committee list and then, by a 2002 regulation4, from the list at issue. Since it considered that the application for annulment had therefore become devoid of purpose, the General Court, despite Mr Abdulrahim’s opposition, ruled by an order5 that there was no longer any need to adjudicate.]
Case Number C-239/12 P
Name of the parties Abdulbasit Abdulrahim v. Council of the European Union and European Commission.
Date of the judgement 2013-05-28
Court Court of Justice (ECJ)
Link http://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?language=en&num=C-239/12
Uploads Abdulasit Abdulrahim - Opinion AG and Abdulbasit Abdulrahim - Judgment (ECJ)