Annual Conferences

IJ / ECLAN Symposium & Conference

IJ and ECLAN are proud to announce the ECLAN Symposium on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the international conference European Criminal Law in the Global Context: Values, Principles and Policies, which will take place the 29-31 March 2017 at Colégio da Trindade - University of Coimbra. On the whole, the events will bring together academics, practitioners and stakeholders of more than twenty nationalities.
The ECLAN Symposium on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is organised in close cooperation with the IJ Research Group Risk – Transparency – Litigation (RG 4), which endeavours to assess new forms of litigation and new kinds and roles of judicial actors. The Symposium is divided in three topics: (1) competence and its exercise, including ancillary competence; (2) investigative powers and admissibility of evidence; and (3) independence and accountability of the EPPO. It aims at producing a synthesis of ECLAN’s view on the current state of the legislative procedure leading to the establishment of the EPPO. Attendance is limited to ECLAN’s members and guests, as well as Master’s and PhD students (registration required).
The Conference European Criminal Law in the Global Context: Values, Principles and Policies is promoted by the IJ Research Group Crisis, Sustainability and Citizenship(s) (RG 6), which intends to draw up a normative framework of reference for the various dimensions involved in the reform of the State, in the current context of shared or “late” sovereignty, with a view to anticipating the implications of such reform for traditional legal methodology.
The purpose of the Conference is to address the interaction between European criminal law and international law and bodies, and the reciprocal influences they might bear on each other. As the title suggests, it will be structured in three sessions:

The values involved in the dichotomies citizenship / criminal law; privacy / crime prevention; and fundamental rights / punishment;

The principles underlying extraterritorial jurisdiction, ne bis in idem and mutual recognition;
And the policies regarding anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and terrorism, restrictive measures and the criminalisation of migration.

Attendance to the conference is free upon registration.

Both events are expected to produce deliverables, which will be published in digital and / or paper format by IJ and ECLAN.

For further information, please contact Ms. Ana Rita Nunes at or Ms. Céline Cocq at