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L’Union européenne et la prévention du terrorisme : impact sur le droit pénal et redéfinition de la relation entre le droit pénal européen et les droits pénaux nationaux

The project covers an essential part of the work of the EU within the framework of the fight against terrorism, namely the part relating to criminal law and cooperation between departments of investigation and prosecution. The primary objective of the project is the analysis of the impact exerted by the emphasis on "prevention" in the Union's work on the design of criminal law at EU level. The influence of EU criminal law on Member States Law and their national practices is also examined. Three areas of criminal law and security are particularly well analysed, namely the substantive criminal law, the definition of criminal offenses, criminal procedural law (limited to the phase of the criminal investigation) and processing of data personal.

Short title: Post-doctoral research

Project coordinator: Prof. Anne Weyemberg (promoter)

Financial support: FNRS (Fonds de la recherche scientifique : )

Contact person: Prof. Anne Weyembergh and Dr. Francesca Galli

Starting date: 01-01-10

(Expected) end date: 31-12-14