ECLAN II – 2nd phase of the ECLAN network development
The ECLAN II Project aimed the second phase developing the ECLAN network. This second phase was necessary for the ECLAN’s functioning in the long term and for adequately fulfils its missions. Its objectives were: the extension of the network, the enhancement of the internal functioning of the network, the development of new tools as such the evaluation of the current website and the development of new features for this website, and the organisation of two conferences.
Short title: JLS/2009/JPEN/AG/0621
Project coordinator: ULB (ECLAN)
Financial support: European Commission (DG Justice) Ministry of Justice of Luxembourg and Institute for European Studies (ULB)
Contact person: Prof. Anne Weyembergh
Starting date: 01-09-10
(Expected) end date: 30-08-12
ECLAN involvement: Yes