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by Yvonne Marie DALY (English)

The criminal justice process: from questioning to trial

The Routledge handbook of Irish criminology is the first edited collection of its kind to bring together the work of leading Irish criminologists in a single volume. While Irish criminology can be characterised as a nascent but dynamic discipline, it has much to offer the Irish and international reader due to the unique historical, cultural, political, social and economic arrangements that exist on the island of Ireland. The Handbook consists of 30 chapters, which offer original, comprehensive and critical reviews of theory, research, policy and practice in a wide range of subject areas. The chapters are divided into four thematic sections:  understanding crime examines specific offence types,  responding to crime explores criminal justice responses to crime,  contexts of crime investigates the social, political and cultural contexts of the policymaking process, and  emerging ideas focuses on innovative ideas that prompt a reconsideration of received wisdom on particular topics.  Charting the key contours of the criminological enterprise on the island of Ireland and placing the Irish material in the context of the wider European and international literature, this book is essential reading for those involved in the study of Irish criminology and international and comparative criminal justice.

Journal/Publisher: Routledge

Co-author/s: John JACKSON in Deirdre HEALY, Claire HAMILTON,Yvonne DALY and Michelle BUTLER (Eds.), "The Routledge handbook of Irish criminology"

Publication type: Book chapter

Number of pages/Page range: 280-297

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 04-01-16

Personal data

Full name Yvonne Marie DALY

Current occupation Member

University/Institution Dublin City University

Address Glasnevin

Postal code Dublin 9

Telephone 00353 1700 5000
