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by Andrew ASHWORTH (English)

Sentencing and criminal justice (6th edition)

Now in its sixth edition, Sentencing and Criminal Justice has been extensively rewritten to reflect recent legislation, guidelines and judicial decisions. New material includes comparative sentencing research, which looks at models from other countries in comparison with the approach in England and Wales, and an additional chapter focusing on civil preventive orders and other ancillary orders. Written with clarity of expression coupled with critical analysis, this textbook offers an unrivalled combination of expertise, accessibility and coverage. This is the essential text for anyone interested in criminal justice.

Journal/Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Publication type: Book

Number of pages/Page range: 566

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 08-10-15

Personal data

Full name Andrew ASHWORTH

Current occupation Member

University/Institution University of Oxford

Address All Souls College s/n

Postal code OX1 4AL

Telephone 0044 1865 279285

Fax 0044 1865 279299
