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by Ricardo Pereira (English)

Environmental Criminal Liability and Enforcement in European and International Law

The drive for harmonisation of environmental criminal standards at both the international and European level emerges from the increasing recognition of the scale and seriousness of environmental crime, the need to strengthen mechanisms of police and judicial interstate cooperation to combat cross-border crime, and the objective to ensure fair competition in a global economy and an integrated EU common market. The harmonisation of environmental criminal law requires a competent institutional framework able to convey the need for criminalisation of environmental harm while not overriding national aspirations to sovereignty in criminal matters. The book Environmental Criminal Liability and Enforcement in European and International Law assesses legal, theoretical and practical questions of harmonisation of national environmental criminal law and the mechanisms for cooperation by sovereign states under European and International Law, with a particular emphasis on legislative developments in the European Union, the Council of Europe and other international institutions, assessing the case for an extension of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over international environmental crimes.

Journal/Publisher: BRILL

Publication type: Book

Number of pages/Page range: 377

Language/s (content): English

Date of publication: 30-09-15

Document TableofcontentsExcerpt.pdf

Personal data

Full name Ricardo Pereira

Current occupation Senior Lecturer in Law

University/Institution Cardiff University

Address Law Building, Museum Avenue

Postal code CF10 3AX

Country United Kingdom

Telephone +44(0)29 2087 4644
