Closing Conference & Book Launch - "Preventing and Resolving Conflicts of Jurisdiction in EU Criminal Law"

Date: 31-05-2018

Location: Luxembourg

Languages: English

Organiser: University of Luxembourgand the European Law Institute

This event, organised by the University of Luxembourg and the European Law Institute, is to be held on 31st May 2018 at the University of Luxembourg.

The first part of the programme consists of a presentation of Draft Legislative Proposals for the prevention and resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction in criminal matters in the European Union by Professor Katalin Ligeti, Professor André Klip, and Professor John Vervaele.

The proposals, which represent the final outcomes of the CJCL ("Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Criminal Law") Project coordinated by the University of Luxembourg from 2013 to 2017, are complemented by a Roundtable: Views from Policy, Practice and Civil Procedure.

The remainder of the programme is composed of three panels focusing on different aspects of conflicts of jurisdiction in EU criminal law (Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; Parallel Enforcement Regimes; Challenges on the Horizon) and featuring speakers from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

Several speakers will present their contributions to the project's accompanying academic volume, published by Oxford University Press to coincide with the event on May 31st.

Attendance is free of charge, but the number of places is limited.To register, or if you require assistance, please send an email to