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M. X

Articles 2, 3 and 8(4) of Council Framework Decision on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings, must be interpreted as not precluding provisions of national law, which,

  • first, do not impose on the Public Prosecutor any obligation to apply to the competent court so that a victim who is particularly vulnerable may be heard and give evidence under the arrangements of the incidente probatorio during the investigation phase of criminal proceedings and,
  • second, do not give to that victim the right to bring an appeal before a court against that decision of the Public Prosecutor rejecting his or her request to be heard and to give evidence under those arrangements.

Case Number C-507/10

Name of the parties Criminal proceedings against X

Date of the judgement 2011-12-21

Court Court of Justice (ECJ)


Uploads X (hearing of a victim) - Judgment and X (hearing of a victim) - Opinion AG